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syntax = "proto3";
package ukey;
option go_package = "../gmproto";
message Ukey2Message {
enum Type {
ALERT = 1;
Type message_type = 1; // Identifies message type
bytes message_data = 2; // Actual message, to be parsed according to message_type
message Ukey2Alert {
enum AlertType {
// Framing errors
BAD_MESSAGE = 1; // The message could not be deserialized
BAD_MESSAGE_TYPE = 2; // message_type has an undefined value
INCORRECT_MESSAGE = 3; // message_type received does not correspond to expected type at this stage of the protocol
BAD_MESSAGE_DATA = 4; // Could not deserialize message_data as per value in message_type
// ClientInit and ServerInit errors
BAD_VERSION = 100; // version is invalid; server cannot find suitable version to speak with client.
BAD_RANDOM = 101; // Random data is missing or of incorrect length
BAD_HANDSHAKE_CIPHER = 102; // No suitable handshake ciphers were found
BAD_NEXT_PROTOCOL = 103; // The next protocol is missing, unknown, or unsupported
BAD_PUBLIC_KEY = 104; // The public key could not be parsed
// Other errors
INTERNAL_ERROR = 200; // An internal error has occurred. error_message may contain additional details for logging and debugging.
AlertType type = 1;
string error_message = 2;
enum Ukey2HandshakeCipher {
P256_SHA512 = 100; // NIST P-256 used for ECDH, SHA512 used for commitment
CURVE25519_SHA512 = 200; // Curve 25519 used for ECDH, SHA512 used for commitment
message Ukey2ClientInit {
int32 version = 1; // highest supported version for rollback protection
bytes random = 2; // random bytes for replay/reuse protection
// One commitment (hash of ClientFinished containing public key) per supported cipher
message CipherCommitment {
Ukey2HandshakeCipher handshake_cipher = 1;
bytes commitment = 2;
repeated CipherCommitment cipher_commitments = 3;
// Next protocol that the client wants to speak.
string next_protocol = 4;
message Ukey2ServerInit {
int32 version = 1; // highest supported version for rollback protection
bytes random = 2; // random bytes for replay/reuse protection
// Selected Cipher and corresponding public key
Ukey2HandshakeCipher handshake_cipher = 3;
GenericPublicKey public_key = 4;
message Ukey2ClientFinished {
GenericPublicKey public_key = 1; // public key matching selected handshake cipher
// A list of supported public key types
enum PublicKeyType {
EC_P256 = 1;
RSA2048 = 2;
// 2048-bit MODP group 14, from RFC 3526
DH2048_MODP = 3;
// A convenience proto for encoding NIST P-256 elliptic curve public keys
message EcP256PublicKey {
// x and y are encoded in big-endian two's complement (slightly wasteful)
// Client MUST verify (x,y) is a valid point on NIST P256
bytes x = 1;
bytes y = 2;
// A convenience proto for encoding RSA public keys with small exponents
message SimpleRsaPublicKey {
// Encoded in big-endian two's complement
bytes n = 1;
int32 e = 2;
// A convenience proto for encoding Diffie-Hellman public keys,
// for use only when Elliptic Curve based key exchanges are not possible.
// (Note that the group parameters must be specified separately)
message DhPublicKey {
// Big-endian two's complement encoded group element
bytes y = 1;
message GenericPublicKey {
PublicKeyType type = 1;
oneof public_key {
EcP256PublicKey ec_p256_public_key = 2;
SimpleRsaPublicKey rsa2048_public_key = 3;
// Use only as a last resort
DhPublicKey dh2048_public_key = 4;