# manualdecrypt This tool can be used to inspect requests that the messages.google.com/web app sends 0. Install [Go](https://go.dev/dl/) 1.20 or higher and `protoc` (`sudo apt install protobuf-compiler` on Debian). 1. Clone this repository (`git clone https://github.com/mautrix/gmessages.git`). 2. Enter this directory (`cd libgm/manualdecrypt`) and compile it (`go build`). 3. Run `./manualdecrypt` * On first run, it'll ask for `pr_crypto_msg_enc_key` and `pr_crypto_msg_hmac` from the localStorage of the messages for web app. 4. Find the relevant `SendMessage` HTTP request in browser devtools and copy the entire raw request body (a bunch of nested JSON arrays). 5. Paste the request body into manualdecrypt, then press Ctrl+D on a blank line to tell it to parse the pasted data.