package libgm import ( "bufio" "bytes" "context" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const defaultPingTimeout = 1 * time.Minute const shortPingTimeout = 10 * time.Second const minPingInterval = 30 * time.Second const maxRepingTickerTime = 64 * time.Minute var pingIDCounter atomic.Uint64 // Goals of the ditto pinger: // - By default, send pings to the phone every 15 minutes when the long polling connection restarts // - If an outgoing request doesn't respond quickly, send a ping immediately // - If a ping caused by a request timeout doesn't respond quickly, send PhoneNotResponding // (the user is probably actively trying to use the bridge) // - If the first ping doesn't respond, send PhoneNotResponding // (to avoid the bridge being stuck in the CONNECTING state) // - If a ping doesn't respond, send new pings on increasing intervals // (starting from 1 minute up to 1 hour) until it responds // - If a normal ping doesn't respond, send PhoneNotResponding after 3 failed pings // (so after ~8 minutes in total, not faster to avoid unnecessarily spamming the user) // - If a request timeout happens during backoff pings, send PhoneNotResponding immediately // - If a ping responds and PhoneNotResponding was sent, send PhoneRespondingAgain type dittoPinger struct { client *Client firstPingDone bool pingHandlingLock sync.RWMutex oldestPingTime time.Time lastPingTime time.Time pingFails int notRespondingSent bool stop <-chan struct{} ping <-chan struct{} log *zerolog.Logger } type resetter struct { C chan struct{} d atomic.Bool } func newResetter() *resetter { return &resetter{ C: make(chan struct{}), } } func (r *resetter) Done() { if r.d.CompareAndSwap(false, true) { go func() { time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) close(r.C) }() } } func (dp *dittoPinger) OnRespond(pingID uint64, dur time.Duration, reset *resetter) { dp.pingHandlingLock.Lock() defer dp.pingHandlingLock.Unlock() logEvt := dp.log.Debug().Uint64("ping_id", pingID).Dur("duration", dur) if dp.notRespondingSent { logEvt.Msg("Ditto ping successful (phone is back online)") dp.client.triggerEvent(&events.PhoneRespondingAgain{}) } else if dp.pingFails > 0 { logEvt.Msg("Ditto ping successful (stopped failing)") // TODO separate event? dp.client.triggerEvent(&events.PhoneRespondingAgain{}) } else { logEvt.Msg("Ditto ping successful") } dp.oldestPingTime = time.Time{} dp.notRespondingSent = false dp.pingFails = 0 dp.firstPingDone = true reset.Done() } func (dp *dittoPinger) OnTimeout(pingID uint64, sendNotResponding bool) { dp.pingHandlingLock.Lock() defer dp.pingHandlingLock.Unlock() dp.log.Warn().Uint64("ping_id", pingID).Msg("Ditto ping is taking long, phone may be offline") if (!dp.firstPingDone || sendNotResponding) && !dp.notRespondingSent { dp.client.triggerEvent(&events.PhoneNotResponding{}) dp.notRespondingSent = true } } func (dp *dittoPinger) WaitForResponse(pingID uint64, start time.Time, timeout time.Duration, timeoutCount int, pingChan <-chan *IncomingRPCMessage, reset *resetter) { var timerChan <-chan time.Time var timer *time.Timer if timeout > 0 { timer = time.NewTimer(timeout) timerChan = timer.C } select { case <-pingChan: dp.OnRespond(pingID, time.Since(start), reset) if timer != nil && !timer.Stop() { <-timer.C } case <-timerChan: dp.OnTimeout(pingID, timeout == shortPingTimeout || timeoutCount > 3) repingTickerTime := 1 * time.Minute var repingTicker *time.Ticker var repingTickerChan <-chan time.Time if timeoutCount == 0 { repingTicker = time.NewTicker(repingTickerTime) repingTickerChan = repingTicker.C } for { timeoutCount++ select { case <-pingChan: dp.OnRespond(pingID, time.Since(start), reset) return case <-repingTickerChan: if repingTickerTime < maxRepingTickerTime { repingTickerTime *= 2 repingTicker.Reset(repingTickerTime) } subPingID := pingIDCounter.Add(1) dp.log.Debug(). Uint64("parent_ping_id", pingID). Uint64("ping_id", subPingID). Str("next_reping", repingTickerTime.String()). Msg("Sending new ping") dp.Ping(subPingID, defaultPingTimeout, timeoutCount, reset) case <-dp.client.pingShortCircuit: dp.pingHandlingLock.Lock() dp.log.Debug().Uint64("ping_id", pingID). Msg("Ditto ping wait short-circuited during ping backoff, sending PhoneNotResponding immediately") if !dp.notRespondingSent { dp.client.triggerEvent(&events.PhoneNotResponding{}) dp.notRespondingSent = true } dp.pingHandlingLock.Unlock() case <-dp.stop: return case <-reset.C: dp.log.Debug(). Uint64("ping_id", pingID). Msg("Another ping was successful, giving up on this one") return } } case <-reset.C: dp.log.Debug(). Uint64("ping_id", pingID). Msg("Another ping was successful, giving up on this one") if timer != nil && !timer.Stop() { <-timer.C } case <-dp.stop: if timer != nil && !timer.Stop() { <-timer.C } } } func (dp *dittoPinger) Ping(pingID uint64, timeout time.Duration, timeoutCount int, reset *resetter) { dp.pingHandlingLock.Lock() if time.Since(dp.lastPingTime) < minPingInterval { dp.log.Debug(). Uint64("ping_id", pingID). Time("last_ping_time", dp.lastPingTime). Msg("Skipping ping since last one was too recently") dp.pingHandlingLock.Unlock() return } now := time.Now() dp.lastPingTime = now if dp.oldestPingTime.IsZero() { dp.oldestPingTime = now } pingChan, err := dp.client.NotifyDittoActivity() if err != nil { dp.log.Err(err).Uint64("ping_id", pingID).Msg("Error sending ping") dp.pingFails++ dp.client.triggerEvent(&events.PingFailed{ Error: fmt.Errorf("failed to notify ditto activity: %w", err), ErrorCount: dp.pingFails, }) dp.pingHandlingLock.Unlock() return } dp.pingHandlingLock.Unlock() if timeoutCount == 0 { dp.WaitForResponse(pingID, now, timeout, timeoutCount, pingChan, reset) } else { go dp.WaitForResponse(pingID, now, timeout, timeoutCount, pingChan, reset) } } const DefaultBugleDefaultCheckInterval = 2*time.Hour + 55*time.Minute func (dp *dittoPinger) Loop() { for { var pingStart time.Time select { case <-dp.client.pingShortCircuit: pingID := pingIDCounter.Add(1) dp.log.Debug().Uint64("ping_id", pingID).Msg("Ditto ping wait short-circuited") pingStart = time.Now() dp.Ping(pingID, shortPingTimeout, 0, newResetter()) case < pingID := pingIDCounter.Add(1) dp.log.Trace().Uint64("ping_id", pingID).Msg("Doing normal ditto ping") pingStart = time.Now() dp.Ping(pingID, defaultPingTimeout, 0, newResetter()) case <-dp.stop: return } if dp.client.shouldDoDataReceiveCheck() { dp.log.Warn().Msg("No data received recently, sending extra GET_UPDATES call") go dp.HandleNoRecentUpdates() } else if time.Since(pingStart) > 5*time.Minute { dp.log.Warn().Msg("Was disconnected for over 5 minutes, sending extra GET_UPDATES call") go dp.HandleNoRecentUpdates() } } } func (dp *dittoPinger) HandleNoRecentUpdates() { dp.client.triggerEvent(&events.NoDataReceived{}) err := dp.client.sessionHandler.sendMessageNoResponse(SendMessageParams{ Action: gmproto.ActionType_GET_UPDATES, OmitTTL: true, RequestID: dp.client.sessionHandler.sessionID, }) if err != nil { dp.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to send extra GET_UPDATES call") } else { dp.log.Debug().Msg("Sent extra GET_UPDATES call") } } func (c *Client) shouldDoDataReceiveCheck() bool { c.nextDataReceiveCheckLock.Lock() defer c.nextDataReceiveCheckLock.Unlock() if time.Until(c.nextDataReceiveCheck) <= 0 { c.nextDataReceiveCheck = time.Now().Add(DefaultBugleDefaultCheckInterval) return true } return false } func (c *Client) bumpNextDataReceiveCheck(after time.Duration) { c.nextDataReceiveCheckLock.Lock() if time.Until(c.nextDataReceiveCheck) < after { c.nextDataReceiveCheck = time.Now().Add(after) } c.nextDataReceiveCheckLock.Unlock() } func tryReadBody(resp io.ReadCloser) []byte { data, _ := io.ReadAll(resp) _ = resp.Close() return data } func (c *Client) doLongPoll(loggedIn bool, onFirstConnect func()) { c.listenID++ listenID := c.listenID listenReqID := uuid.NewString() log := c.Logger.With().Int("listen_id", listenID).Logger() defer func() { log.Debug().Msg("Long polling stopped") }() ctx := log.WithContext(context.TODO()) log.Debug().Str("listen_uuid", listenReqID).Msg("Long polling starting") dittoPing := make(chan struct{}, 1) stopDittoPinger := make(chan struct{}) defer close(stopDittoPinger) go (&dittoPinger{ ping: dittoPing, stop: stopDittoPinger, log: &log, client: c, }).Loop() errorCount := 1 for c.listenID == listenID { err := c.refreshAuthToken() if err != nil { log.Err(err).Msg("Error refreshing auth token") if loggedIn { c.triggerEvent(&events.ListenFatalError{Error: fmt.Errorf("failed to refresh auth token: %w", err)}) } return } log.Trace().Msg("Starting new long-polling request") payload := &gmproto.ReceiveMessagesRequest{ Auth: &gmproto.AuthMessage{ RequestID: listenReqID, TachyonAuthToken: c.AuthData.TachyonAuthToken, Network: c.AuthData.AuthNetwork(), ConfigVersion: util.ConfigMessage, }, Unknown: &gmproto.ReceiveMessagesRequest_UnknownEmptyObject2{ Unknown: &gmproto.ReceiveMessagesRequest_UnknownEmptyObject1{}, }, } url := util.ReceiveMessagesURL if c.AuthData.HasCookies() { url = util.ReceiveMessagesURLGoogle } resp, err := c.makeProtobufHTTPRequestContext(ctx, url, payload, ContentTypePBLite, true) if err != nil { if loggedIn { c.triggerEvent(&events.ListenTemporaryError{Error: err}) } errorCount++ sleepSeconds := (errorCount + 1) * 5 log.Err(err).Int("sleep_seconds", sleepSeconds).Msg("Error making listen request, retrying in a while") time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleepSeconds) * time.Second) continue } if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized || resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden { body := tryReadBody(resp.Body) log.Error(). Int("status_code", resp.StatusCode). Bytes("resp_body", body). Msg("Error making listen request") if loggedIn { c.triggerEvent(&events.ListenFatalError{Error: events.HTTPError{Action: "polling", Resp: resp, Body: body}}) } return } else if resp.StatusCode >= 400 { if loggedIn { c.triggerEvent(&events.ListenTemporaryError{Error: events.HTTPError{Action: "polling", Resp: resp, Body: tryReadBody(resp.Body)}}) } else { _ = resp.Body.Close() } errorCount++ sleepSeconds := (errorCount + 1) * 5 log.Debug(). Int("statusCode", resp.StatusCode). Int("sleep_seconds", sleepSeconds). Msg("Error in long polling, retrying in a while") time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleepSeconds) * time.Second) continue } if errorCount > 0 { errorCount = 0 if loggedIn { c.triggerEvent(&events.ListenRecovered{}) } } log.Debug().Int("statusCode", resp.StatusCode).Msg("Long polling opened") c.longPollingConn = resp.Body if loggedIn { select { case dittoPing <- struct{}{}: default: log.Debug().Msg("Ditto pinger is still waiting for previous ping, skipping new ping") } } if onFirstConnect != nil { go onFirstConnect() onFirstConnect = nil } c.readLongPoll(&log, resp.Body) c.longPollingConn = nil } } func (c *Client) readLongPoll(log *zerolog.Logger, rc io.ReadCloser) { defer rc.Close() c.disconnecting = false reader := bufio.NewReader(rc) buf := make([]byte, 2621440) var accumulatedData []byte n, err := reader.Read(buf[:2]) if err != nil { log.Err(err).Msg("Error reading opening bytes") return } else if n != 2 || string(buf[:2]) != "[[" { log.Err(err).Msg("Opening is not [[") return } var expectEOF bool for { n, err = reader.Read(buf) if err != nil { var logEvt *zerolog.Event if (errors.Is(err, io.EOF) && expectEOF) || c.disconnecting { logEvt = log.Trace() } else { logEvt = log.Warn() } logEvt.Err(err).Msg("Stopped reading data from server") return } else if expectEOF { log.Warn().Msg("Didn't get EOF after stream end marker") } chunk := buf[:n] if len(accumulatedData) == 0 { if len(chunk) == 2 && string(chunk) == "]]" { log.Trace().Msg("Got stream end marker") expectEOF = true continue } chunk = bytes.TrimPrefix(chunk, []byte{','}) } accumulatedData = append(accumulatedData, chunk...) if !json.Valid(accumulatedData) { log.Trace().Msg("Invalid JSON, reading next chunk") continue } currentBlock := accumulatedData accumulatedData = accumulatedData[:0] msg := &gmproto.LongPollingPayload{} err = pblite.Unmarshal(currentBlock, msg) if err != nil { log.Err(err).Msg("Error deserializing pblite message") continue } switch { case msg.GetData() != nil: c.HandleRPCMsg(msg.GetData()) case msg.GetAck() != nil: level := zerolog.TraceLevel if msg.GetAck().GetCount() > 0 { level = zerolog.DebugLevel } log.WithLevel(level).Int32("count", msg.GetAck().GetCount()).Msg("Got startup ack count message") c.skipCount = int(msg.GetAck().GetCount()) case msg.GetStartRead() != nil: log.Trace().Msg("Got startRead message") case msg.GetHeartbeat() != nil: log.Trace().Msg("Got heartbeat message") default: log.Warn(). Str("data", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(currentBlock)). Msg("Got unknown message") } } } func (c *Client) closeLongPolling() { if conn := c.longPollingConn; conn != nil { c.Logger.Debug().Int("current_listen_id", c.listenID).Msg("Closing long polling connection manually") c.listenID++ c.disconnecting = true _ = conn.Close() c.longPollingConn = nil } }