Tulir Asokan 89b9f46301 Don't clear puppets when phone ID changes
Otherwise the avatars will remain on the server and won't be properly reset
when new contact info comes in for the same user.
2024-03-01 14:42:40 +02:00

325 lines
8.7 KiB

// mautrix-gmessages - A Matrix-Google Messages puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2023 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
var userIDRegex *regexp.Regexp
func (br *GMBridge) ParsePuppetMXID(mxid id.UserID) (key database.Key, ok bool) {
if userIDRegex == nil {
userIDRegex = br.Config.MakeUserIDRegex(`([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)`)
match := userIDRegex.FindStringSubmatch(string(mxid))
if len(match) == 3 {
var err error
key.Receiver, err = strconv.Atoi(match[1])
ok = err == nil
key.ID = match[2]
func (br *GMBridge) GetPuppetByMXID(mxid id.UserID) *Puppet {
key, ok := br.ParsePuppetMXID(mxid)
if !ok {
return nil
return br.GetPuppetByKey(key, "")
func (br *GMBridge) GetPuppetByKey(key database.Key, phone string) *Puppet {
defer br.puppetsLock.Unlock()
puppet, ok := br.puppetsByKey[key]
if !ok {
dbPuppet, err := br.DB.Puppet.Get(context.TODO(), key)
if err != nil {
br.ZLog.Err(err).Object("puppet_key", key).Msg("Failed to get puppet from database")
return nil
if dbPuppet == nil {
if phone == "" {
return nil
dbPuppet = br.DB.Puppet.New()
dbPuppet.Key = key
dbPuppet.Phone = phone
err = dbPuppet.Insert(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
br.ZLog.Err(err).Object("puppet_key", key).Msg("Failed to insert puppet into database")
return nil
puppet = br.NewPuppet(dbPuppet)
br.puppetsByKey[puppet.Key] = puppet
return puppet
func (br *GMBridge) IsGhost(id id.UserID) bool {
_, ok := br.ParsePuppetMXID(id)
return ok
func (br *GMBridge) GetIGhost(id id.UserID) bridge.Ghost {
p := br.GetPuppetByMXID(id)
if p == nil {
return nil
return p
func (puppet *Puppet) GetMXID() id.UserID {
return puppet.MXID
func (br *GMBridge) loadManyPuppets(query func(ctx context.Context) ([]*database.Puppet, error)) []*Puppet {
defer br.puppetsLock.Unlock()
dbPuppets, err := query(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
br.ZLog.Err(err).Msg("Failed to load all puppets from database")
return []*Puppet{}
output := make([]*Puppet, len(dbPuppets))
for index, dbPuppet := range dbPuppets {
if dbPuppet == nil {
puppet, ok := br.puppetsByKey[dbPuppet.Key]
if !ok {
puppet = br.NewPuppet(dbPuppet)
br.puppetsByKey[puppet.Key] = puppet
output[index] = puppet
return output
func (br *GMBridge) FormatPuppetMXID(key database.Key) id.UserID {
return id.NewUserID(
func (br *GMBridge) NewPuppet(dbPuppet *database.Puppet) *Puppet {
return &Puppet{
Puppet: dbPuppet,
bridge: br,
log: br.ZLog.With().
Str("phone", dbPuppet.Phone).
Str("puppet_id", dbPuppet.ID).
Int("puppet_receiver", dbPuppet.Receiver).
MXID: br.FormatPuppetMXID(dbPuppet.Key),
type Puppet struct {
bridge *GMBridge
log zerolog.Logger
MXID id.UserID
var _ bridge.GhostWithProfile = (*Puppet)(nil)
func (puppet *Puppet) GetDisplayname() string {
return puppet.Name
func (puppet *Puppet) GetAvatarURL() id.ContentURI {
return puppet.AvatarMXC
func (puppet *Puppet) SwitchCustomMXID(_ string, _ id.UserID) error {
return fmt.Errorf("puppets don't support custom MXIDs here")
func (puppet *Puppet) ClearCustomMXID() {}
func (puppet *Puppet) IntentFor(_ *Portal) *appservice.IntentAPI {
return puppet.DefaultIntent()
func (puppet *Puppet) CustomIntent() *appservice.IntentAPI {
return nil
func (puppet *Puppet) DefaultIntent() *appservice.IntentAPI {
return puppet.bridge.AS.Intent(puppet.MXID)
const MinAvatarUpdateInterval = 24 * time.Hour
func (puppet *Puppet) UpdateAvatar(ctx context.Context, source *User) bool {
if (puppet.AvatarSet && time.Since(puppet.AvatarUpdateTS) < MinAvatarUpdateInterval) || puppet.ContactID == "" {
return false
resp, err := source.Client.GetParticipantThumbnail(puppet.ID)
if err != nil {
puppet.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to get avatar thumbnail")
return false
puppet.AvatarUpdateTS = time.Now()
if len(resp.Thumbnail) == 0 {
if puppet.AvatarHash == [32]byte{} && puppet.AvatarMXC.IsEmpty() {
puppet.AvatarSet = true
return true
puppet.AvatarHash = [32]byte{}
puppet.AvatarMXC = id.ContentURI{}
puppet.AvatarSet = false
} else {
thumbData := resp.Thumbnail[0].GetData()
hash := sha256.Sum256(thumbData.GetImageBuffer())
if hash == puppet.AvatarHash && puppet.AvatarSet {
return true
puppet.AvatarHash = hash
puppet.AvatarSet = false
avatarBytes := thumbData.GetImageBuffer()
uploadResp, err := puppet.DefaultIntent().UploadMedia(ctx, mautrix.ReqUploadMedia{
ContentBytes: avatarBytes,
ContentType: http.DetectContentType(avatarBytes),
if err != nil {
puppet.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to upload avatar")
return true
puppet.AvatarMXC = uploadResp.ContentURI
err = puppet.DefaultIntent().SetAvatarURL(ctx, puppet.AvatarMXC)
if err != nil {
puppet.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to set avatar")
} else {
puppet.AvatarSet = true
go puppet.updatePortalAvatar(ctx)
return true
func (puppet *Puppet) updatePortalAvatar(ctx context.Context) {
portal := puppet.bridge.GetPortalByOtherUser(puppet.Key)
if portal == nil {
defer portal.roomCreateLock.Unlock()
if portal.MXID == "" || !portal.shouldSetDMRoomMetadata() {
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SetRoomAvatar(ctx, portal.MXID, puppet.AvatarMXC)
if err != nil {
puppet.log.Err(err).Str("room_id", portal.MXID.String()).Msg("Failed to update DM room avatar")
func (puppet *Puppet) UpdateName(ctx context.Context, formattedPhone, fullName, firstName string) bool {
newName := puppet.bridge.Config.Bridge.FormatDisplayname(formattedPhone, fullName, firstName)
if puppet.Name != newName || !puppet.NameSet {
oldName := puppet.Name
puppet.Name = newName
puppet.NameSet = false
err := puppet.DefaultIntent().SetDisplayName(ctx, newName)
if err == nil {
puppet.log.Debug().Str("old_name", oldName).Str("new_name", newName).Msg("Updated displayname")
puppet.NameSet = true
} else {
puppet.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to set displayname")
return true
return false
func (puppet *Puppet) UpdateContactInfo(ctx context.Context) bool {
if !puppet.bridge.SpecVersions.Supports(mautrix.BeeperFeatureArbitraryProfileMeta) {
return false
if puppet.ContactInfoSet {
return false
idents := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("tel:%s", puppet.Phone),
if puppet.ContactID != "" {
idents = append(idents, fmt.Sprintf("gmsg-contact:%s", puppet.ContactID))
contactInfo := map[string]any{
"com.beeper.bridge.identifiers": idents,
"com.beeper.bridge.remote_id": puppet.Key.String(),
"com.beeper.bridge.service": "gmessages",
"": "gmessages",
err := puppet.DefaultIntent().BeeperUpdateProfile(ctx, contactInfo)
if err != nil {
puppet.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to store custom contact info in profile")
return false
} else {
puppet.ContactInfoSet = true
return true
func (puppet *Puppet) Sync(ctx context.Context, source *User, contact *gmproto.Participant) {
err := puppet.DefaultIntent().EnsureRegistered(ctx)
if err != nil {
puppet.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to ensure registered")
update := false
if contact.ID.Number != "" && puppet.Phone != contact.ID.Number {
puppet.Phone = contact.ID.Number
update = true
if contact.ContactID != puppet.ContactID {
puppet.ContactID = contact.ContactID
update = true
update = puppet.UpdateName(ctx, contact.GetFormattedNumber(), contact.GetFullName(), contact.GetFirstName()) || update
update = puppet.UpdateAvatar(ctx, source) || update
update = puppet.UpdateContactInfo(ctx) || update
if update {
err = puppet.Update(ctx)
if err != nil {
puppet.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to save puppet to database after sync")