194 lines
3.7 KiB
Protocol Buffer
194 lines
3.7 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package conversations;
option go_package = "../../binary";
message SendMessagePayload {
string conversationId = 2;
MessagePayload messagePayload = 3;
string tmpId = 5;
message MessagePayload {
string tmpId = 1;
MessagePayloadContent messagePayloadContent = 6;
string conversationId = 7;
string selfParticipantId = 9; // might be participantId
repeated MessageInfo messageInfo = 10;
string tmpId2 = 12;
message MessagePayloadContent {
MessageContent messageContent = 1;
message OpenConversationPayload {
string conversationId = 2;
message PrepareOpenConversationPayload {
int64 field2 = 2; // only seen value 1
message FetchConversationMessagesPayload {
string conversationId = 2;
int64 count = 3;
Cursor cursor = 5;
message ListCoversationsPayload {
int64 count = 2; // no idea if this is actually amount to list
int64 field4 = 4; // no idea what this is , but only value ive seen is 1
message FetchMessagesResponse {
repeated Message messages = 2;
bytes someBytes = 3;
int64 totalMessages = 4;
Cursor cursor = 5;
message Cursor {
string someStr = 1;
int64 nextCursor = 2;
enum MessageType {
TEXT = 1;
IMAGE = 2;
VIDEO = 3;
AUDIO = 4;
VCARD = 8;
REPLY = 10;
message Message {
string messageId = 1;
IsFromMe from = 3;
MessageStatus messageStatus = 4;
int64 timestamp = 5;
string conversationId = 7;
string participantId = 9;
repeated MessageInfo messageInfo = 10;
MessageType type = 11;
string tmpId = 12;
message MessageInfo {
string orderInternal = 1;
oneof data {
MessageContent messageContent = 2;
ImageContent imageContent = 3;
message ImageContent {
int64 someNumber = 1;
string imageId = 2;
string imageName = 4;
int64 size = 5;
ImagePixels pixels = 6;
bytes imageData = 7;
string imageId2 = 9;
bytes decryptionKey = 11;
bytes decryptionKey2 = 12; // same value as decryptionkey?
message ImagePixels {
int64 width = 1;
int64 height = 2;
message MessageContent {
string content = 1;
message IsFromMe {
bool fromMe = 1;
enum MsgStatusCode {
SENT = 1;
message MessageStatus {
// MMS / SMS
SENT = 1;
// RCS
int64 code = 2;
string errMsg = 4;
string msgStatus = 5;
message Conversations {
repeated Conversation conversations = 2;
message Conversation {
string conversationId = 1;
string name = 2;
LatestMessage latestMessage = 4;
int64 timestampMs = 5;
bool isGroupChat = 10; // not certain
string selfParticipantId = 11;
1 = unarchived
2 = archived
3 = deleted
//bool bool1 = 13;
int64 status = 12;
string hashHex = 15;
string messageId = 17;
repeated Participant participants = 20;
repeated string otherParticipants = 21; // participant ids excluding me
int64 type = 22;
message Participant {
SmallInfo smallInfo = 1;
string hashHex = 5;
bool isMe = 6;
Muted muted = 7;
//bool bool2 = 8;
int64 bs = 14;
string displayName = 15;
message SmallInfo {
int64 type = 1;
string number = 2;
string participantId = 3;
message LatestMessage {
string content = 1;
bool fromMe = 2; // isMe?
string displayName = 4;
//Unknown unknown = 5;
message Unknown {
int64 field1 = 1;
int64 field2 = 2;
message Muted {
bool isMuted = 1;