{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let aconfig = (pkgs.formats.toml { }).generate "alacritty.toml" { env.TERM = "xterm-256color"; font.size = 12; window = { dynamic_padding = true; resize_increments = true; dimensions = { columns = 120; lines = 40; }; }; keyboard.bindings = [ { action = "ScrollHalfPageDown"; mods = "Shift"; key = "PageDown"; } { action = "ScrollHalfPageUp"; mods = "Shift"; key = "PageUp"; } { action = "SpawnNewInstance"; mods = "Control|Shift"; key = "N"; } { action = "SpawnNewInstance"; mods = "Control|Shift"; key = "T"; } ]; colors = { primary.background = "0x1e1e1e"; primary.foreground = "0xffffff"; }; general.import = [ "${pkgs.alacritty-theme}/tango_dark.toml" ]; }; # Alacritty seems to not communicate well with gnome-shell. Quick fix: notify-fix = pkgs.runCommand "alacritty-fix" { } '' dt=share/applications/Alacritty.desktop install -D ${pkgs.alacritty}/$dt $out/$dt sed -i 's/^StartupNotify=.*//' $out/$dt ''; in { config = lib.mkIf (config.sconfig.desktop.enable) { environment.etc."xdg/alacritty.toml".source = aconfig; environment.systemPackages = [ (lib.hiPrio notify-fix) pkgs.alacritty ]; }; }