{ pkgs, ... }: let hx-pretty = pkgs.writeShellScript "hx-pretty.sh" '' exec prettier --stdin-filepath "$HX_FILE" ''; prettier-formats = map (name: { inherit name; auto-format = true; indent = { tab-width = 4; unit = "\t"; }; formatter.command = hx-pretty; }) [ "css" "html" "javascript" "json" "typescript" ]; in { environment.etc."bck-helix/config.toml".source = (pkgs.formats.toml { }).generate "config.toml" { theme = "dark_plus"; editor = { auto-format = true; bufferline = "multiple"; indent-guides.render = true; line-number = "relative"; mouse = false; true-color = true; }; keys = { normal.A-j = ":buffer-previous"; normal.A-k = ":buffer-next"; normal.space.e = ":w"; normal.space.x = ":q"; normal.space.backspace = ":reset-diff-change"; }; }; environment.etc."bck-helix/languages.toml".source = (pkgs.formats.toml { }).generate "languages.toml" { language = prettier-formats ++ [ { name = "bash"; auto-format = true; indent = { tab-width = 4; unit = "\t"; }; } { name = "lua"; auto-format = true; indent = { tab-width = 4; unit = "\t"; }; } { name = "nix"; auto-format = true; formatter = { command = "nixfmt"; args = [ "--verify" ]; }; } { name = "python"; auto-format = true; language-servers = [ "pyright" ]; formatter = { command = "black"; args = [ "--quiet" "-" ]; }; } { name = "yaml"; auto-format = true; formatter.command = hx-pretty; } ]; language-server = { pyright = { command = "pyright-langserver"; args = [ "--stdio" ]; }; }; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ (helix.overrideAttrs ( { patches ? [ ], ... }: { # Patch required for .editorconfig to work properly with formatters patches = patches ++ [ ./format-filepath.patch ]; postPatch = '' sed 's/tab-width = .,/tab-width = 4,/' -i languages.toml ''; } )) ]; environment.etc."bck-settings.sh".text = '' mkdir -p ~/.config && ln -nTfs /etc/bck-helix ~/.config/helix ''; }