{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ./kubernetes.nix ./powerline.nix ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ dnsutils du-dust entr file gcc iftop inetutils iotop jq lm_sensors ncdu nix-index nix-prefetch-github nix-top nixpkgs-fmt openssl parted pciutils psmisc pv pwgen python3 rsync sqlite tcpdump tree unzip usbutils wget whois yq zip (writeShellScriptBin "dirt" "while sleep 1; do grep '^Dirty:' /proc/meminfo ; done") (writeShellScriptBin "nr" "exec nix repl \"$(nix eval nixpkgs#path)\"") (writeShellScriptBin "bat" '' ${bat}/bin/bat --color=always --wrap=never --pager=never --terminal-width=80 "$@" '') (writeShellScriptBin "pip-install" '' nix run 'nixpkgs#python3.pkgs.pip' -- install --user --upgrade --break-system-packages pip '') (writeShellScriptBin "nix-roots" '' nix-store --gc --print-roots | grep -v \ -e '^/proc/' \ -e '/.cache/nix/flake-registry.json ' '') (writeScriptBin "zfsram" '' #!${pkgs.python3}/bin/python for ln in open('/proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats').readlines(): if ln.startswith('size '): print(str(int(ln.split(' ')[-1])/(1024*1024*1024))[:5],'GB') '') (darkhttpd.overrideAttrs (old: { patches = [ (builtins.toFile "port.patch" '' --- a/darkhttpd.c +++ b/darkhttpd.c @@ -291 +291 @@ static const char *bindaddr; -static uint16_t bindport = 8080; /* or 80 if running as root */ +static uint16_t bindport = 8000; /* or 80 if running as root */ '') ]; })) ]; environment.variables.HTOPRC = "/dev/null"; programs.htop = { enable = true; settings = { hide_userland_threads = 1; highlight_base_name = 1; show_program_path = 0; tree_sort_direction = -1; tree_view = 1; update_process_names = 1; }; }; programs.git = { enable = true; config = { alias.glog = "log --all --decorate --oneline --graph"; alias.logl = "log --oneline -n10"; alias.vlog = "log --name-status"; pull.ff = "only"; init.defaultBranch = "main"; }; }; programs.tmux = { enable = true; terminal = "screen-256color"; extraConfig = '' bind-key j command-prompt -p "Join pane:" "join-pane -s '%%'" ''; }; programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = '' stty -ixon alias p=python3 alias hd='hexdump -C' alias nix-env="echo nix-env is disabled #" alias nix-what-depends-on='nix-store --query --referrers' alias day='date "+%Y-%m-%d"' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias tmp='cd "$(mktemp -d)"' '' + # compatibility for programs that need $NIX_PATH set: lib.concatMapStrings (x: '' alias ${x}='NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=$(nix eval nixpkgs#path)" ${x}' '') [ "nix-build" "nix-index" "nix-prefetch-github" "nix-shell" ]; programs.neovim = { enable = true; viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; defaultEditor = true; configure = { packages.sconfig.start = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ vim-gitgutter vim-nix ]; customRC = '' set mouse= set encoding=utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8 set list nowrap scrolloff=9 updatetime=300 number highlight GitGutterAdd ctermfg=10 highlight GitGutterChange ctermfg=11 highlight GitGutterDelete ctermfg=9 let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = '◣' let g:gitgutter_sign_removed_first_line = '◤' let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = '~~' ''; }; }; }